Crestron Home Review: When the pros install your smart home

Crestron Home Review: When the pros install your smart home
Smart house, regardless of his name, is usually quite stupid. For all talks about ecosystems and cross-platform standards, all too often home automation only turns our cellphones into a luxury remote, sending us to reverse the application to adjust lights, music and security. Crestron’s house, a relatively new smart home choice from the old name in the industry, has the application too, but arguably the most impressive thing is how rare you really need it.
Crestron Home is not the first effort of the company on a smart home platform that is more important. Pyng comes before – arguably a little in front of the time to be truly effective – as a cut-down version of the “full” crestron. The problem is, it does not have the functionality or convenience of installing it outside the impression of the PYNG dealer as “Crestron Lite.”
Crestron’s house takes a different approach. It works with subset (growing) of regular crestron hardware, from switching to nuances and touch screens, but it stops what can be said to be some of the most time-consuming aspects of professional smart home installations. Crestron home application, and touch panel interface, for example, offers one, UI made previously with direct buttons and controls.
You can add home and room images, and reorder how each section is displayed, but it is far from the unlimited customization potential of the full crestron. That simplification speed, though: The installer does not require special programmers to build a unique interface for each project, save a lot of money and time.
This is the same for the backend. Crestron’s house is configured using the iPad application, the complexity – is intended for dealers, but (assuming you have a password, which will be provided by the dealer) not entirely friendly – quietly – quietly for smart homeowners – just a little North Tide and play. There are learning curves, of course, but much faster than full crestrons that require any changes or additions that are programmed, loaded into the central processor, and then launched to all controls.
On a complex system, which can take 30+ minutes to complete, depending on the programmer’s own skills. At Crestron’s house, the changes made in the iPad application are reflected immediately in the system. You can even see controls appear and disappear in real-time in the iPhone, Android and iPad Crestron application.
Not in vain, then, is Crestron’s house looking for help with the installer who wants to complete more, faster. As my own installer, Jeremy Duron from the Mihome system, explains, what takes one and a half days in case I can easily take it twice that they have done. It assumes each dealer has their own small toolkit of pre-artificial crestron modules and crestron codes, to help streamline full installation.
The company itself has worked extra to destroy any feelings that Crestron Home is a lower child in the family. Fast update rate – every six weeks, on average – has helped show Crestron’s commitment to the system, usually add the features faced by users and dealers, along with expanding the list of hardware supported.
However, Crestron will not leave, and Crestron’s house is not intended to replace it. At the extreme end of the market – Think of a large house, business, hotel, and mega-yacht – there will always be a need for something that can be adjusted to extraordinary. However, the projects are relatively small and far between; For more typical control over lights, media, HVAC, nuances, and similar, the crestron house has many advantages.